...joined 3 years ago, and has 2889 karma
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We have Dissociative Identity Disorder and are plural (https://morethanone.info); if you see a signature at the bottom of our comment, it's because the comment was written by someone other than Logan himself. We also tend to use plural first-person pronouns (such as "we" or "us") to refer to ourselves as a system. (-Emily)
I (and all my headmates) identify as otherkin/nonhuman and prefer not to be referenced in terms of humans or humanity - if possible, please try not to use species-specific terms when talking to or about me. (-Logan)
[ my public key: https://keybase.io/logandark; my proof: https://keybase.io/logandark/sigs/m6zjqnGMWscZConP_8q5dTxchLtZC37IPnwlaj0mBGo ]