Show HN: Ethereum-rpc-mcp – Let Cursor Talk to Any EVM Chain

6 points by Phillip-Kemper a day ago

I built a MCP server using the Typescript SDK that wraps around the JSON RPC methods for EVM Blockchains. Without any extra documentation the LLM is able to interact with the EVM blockchain even through a complex series of requests. To get going, just add the following command to your MCP client of choice (e.g. Cursor)

- npx -y ethereum-rpc-mpc [Optional: RPC_URL]

It works out of the box with any EVM chain.

Example usage with Claude: "What's the ETH balance of 0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e?" "Is 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F a smart contract?" "Is 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F a smart contract? If yes, what kind of contract is it?"


Appreciate any feedback, this is early work!

tomw1808 9 hours ago

Oh I wish...

"Hey computer, enable self destruct, authorization Picard 4-7 Alpha Tango"

"Selfdestruct not available since the Cancun upgrade"

jokes aside, I think we're moving more and more into a place where we have thousands of specialized connectors to let the general AI models "do stuff" directly. We might finally move into a time where we can interact in multi-modal ways with a computer and "it understands and does things". But as always, with great powers comes great responsibility, not sure I'd give it access to my private keys to send transactions for example...