getToTheChopin 3 hours ago

This analysis provides a map of global wealth — with data on incomes, cost of living, and purchasing power across 110 countries.

The data is visualized in three ways: a geographic map, scatterplot chart, and a tool to compare countries head-to-head.

- Which countries have the highest and lowest incomes in the world?

- What is the average cost of living in my country, and how does that compare to nearby countries?

- If we adjust a country’s average income by the average cost of living, which countries are richer and poorer?

The data is sourced from based on the year of 2023. This has been compiled based on data from the OECD, World Bank, IMF, and Eurostat.

Mapping was done using the leaflet.js library, together with mapping tiles from OpenStreetMap.

The scatterplot chart was created using the d3.js data visualization library.

nimzoLarsen 3 hours ago

Really clean data visualization work here. d3.js is always a pleasure to work with

  • getToTheChopin 3 hours ago

    Thank you! It took me quite some time to get a hang of d3, but once you figure it out, it's such a customizable workhorse for data viz.